Lewis County Officials
Circuit Court Clerk
Barbara Hinson
The mission of the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office is to diligently and professionally serve the needs of the Courts, legal community and citizens of Lewis County, Tennessee, balancing the use of courteous, personal service and technology to achieve an unmatched level of efficiency and customer satisfaction.
The Lewis County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office:
Collects fines for General Sessions and Criminal court
Issues warrants, summons, citations, etc.
Keeps records and minutes for General Sessions and Circuit courts
Jury duty
29 West Main Street
Hohenwald, TN 38462
(931) 796-3724
8:00AM - 4:00PM
Monday - Friday
Karen Prentice
Deputy Clerk
Kayla Hinson
Deputy Clerk
Amanda Odom
Deputy Clerk
1) How do I find out when my court date is?
You may call the Circuit Court Clerk’s office at 796-3724 or check the list below:
General Sessions Criminal - The defendant is given a court date when papers are served or they are in custody.
General Sessions Civil: The date is on the warrant when it is issued.
Criminal Court: The defendant would receive a notice from our office when the case is bound over from General Sessions.
Circuit Court: The date is given by the attorney
2) How can I find out how much my fine is?
Call our office at (931) 796-3724
3) How are jurors selected for jury duty?
This information applies to jury service in the Circuit Court of Lewis County, Tennessee. You may receive a jury summons in the mail from the court indicating that you are being called to serve as a prospective juror. This means that your name was drawn from the current list of licensed drivers in the county.
All names are selected AT RANDOM from this source.
At all stages of selection, the Clerk must insure that the selection process represents a random cross-section of qualified persons residing within the county.
As a necessary part of this requirement, no person or persons can be selectively included or excluded from the list of qualified jurors.
4) Am I eligible for jury duty?
The Tennessee Code spells out the minimum requirements for a person competent to act as a juror. A person is eligible for jury service if he or she is a citizen of the United States, has been a resident of Lewis County for at least 12 months, has not served as a juror during the previous twenty-four (24) months, and has not been convicted of a perjury or a felony.
5) Can I be excused from jury service?
Jurors will only be excused if serving will cause an undue or extreme physical or financial hardship. Such a hardship may be present if the juror has a mental or physical condition, which causes the juror to be incapable of performing jury service.
6) How much are copies?
Copies are 0.50 per page for regular copies and $5.00 + 0.50 per page for certified copies.
7) Can the Clerk's Office answer legal questions?
No, any legal questions should be forwarded to a licensed attorney.
There are no attorneys in the Clerk’s office.